After I’ve finished a meal and Simon’s still working on bite number five, I have some time to think. During yesterday’s snack of carrots, cheese, and crackers, I started noticing some strong preferences in what went into his mouth. Atypically, he was very consistent. So being the good science teacher that I am, I started recording observations, and soon had a set of mathematical descriptions about his snacking preferences.
Let “carrot,” “cheese,” and “cracker” represent his willingness to consume each item respectively.
- cheese > 0
- cracker > 0
- carrot < 0
So he likes cheese and he likes cracker, but he doesn’t like carrot. What if we mix it up?
- cracker + cheese > 0 (as you might expect)
- cheese + carrot > 0
- cracker + carrot < 0
- cracker + carrot + cheese > 0
It would seem that we can conclude:
- |carrot| < |cheese|
- |cracker| < |carrot|
And therefore:
- carrot < cracker < cheese, but
- |cracker| < |carrot| < |cheese|
I will leave it as an exercise for the eater to assign a numerical value to each item.
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